The World's Leader in Stem Cell Surgery and Science
The World's Leader in Stem Cell Surgery and Science


Sabine Hazan

Sabine Hazan


As a specialist in gastroenterology, internal medicine, and hepatology, Dr. Hazan has used her expertise in many regards over the last two decades. Dr. Hazan is also the Founder & CEO of the Malibu Specialty Center and Ventura Clinical Trials, where she conducts and oversees clinical trials for cutting-edge research on various medical issues. Dr. Hazan is a top clinical investigator for multiple pharmaceutical companies, and also acts as the series editor of Practical Gastroenterology on the microbiome, a peer review journal that reaches 18,000 gastroenterologists. She was and is a speaker for World Congress of Digestive Disease, MAGI, Microbiome Congress, International Drug Discovery Science and Technology Conference and NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology).

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All Sessions by Sabine Hazan

CME Conference Day 2 Sat, Jun 14
11:47 am - 1:24 pm

Session 6: Regenerative Neurology

Latour Ballroom | Session 6: Neurology